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The diving industry is one of the strongest hit by the current crisis. Tourism is suffering from lockdowns and travel bans; most countries currently prohibit leaving the house and entering public waters. These stay-at-home orders have made it nearly impossible for the diving industry to operate. Most have succumbed to the circumstances, allowing their business to pause, but NOT SSI. SSI is taking serious measures to counter the crisis by helping its costumers stay involved and continue to "dive" from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The first measure is a series of daily Webinars. SSI Service Centers are holding webinars for all of their Training Centers worldwide, run in more than 20 languages, and different time zones, making it easy for everyone to join. SSI is training its dive centers to make 100% use of the SSI digital system, covering topics like:
  • Non-diving programs that can be taught entirely from home
  • How to use social media to its fullest extent
  • Using the MYSSI platform as an acquisition tool
  • How to use MyDiveGuide and why it is such an incredible platform
  • Ways to keep your business going and how to be successful during this crisis
To date, SSI has hosted more than 115 Webinars for their Training Centers in 24 different languages held by more than 30 Service Centers, calculating to 6000+ participants. SSI continues to have more than 540 Centers tune in every single weekday. The most successful webinars, with up to 300+ participants, are taking place in some of the most critically affected countries. These webinars are being conducted according to language and region to ensure that SSI Training Centers around the world can get their questions answered and the help they need. Private video conferences are even held with SSI Training Centers day-in and day-out to provide the best service possible. The success of these webinars has gone beyond the borders of SSI Training Centers. Inquiries to join the SSI team are stacking up fast. The International SSI Staff are working tirelessly to keep the diving industry alive. SSI is receiving great feedback from all Training Centers participating in the webinars. They are applauding the fact that SSI does not just give up in times of crisis. SSI not only provides support for their own dive centers but every diver out there. SSI’s mission is to make sure divers worldwide don’t forget about their favorite hobby while stuck at home.  To accomplish this, SSI is offering the Science of Diving Program FREE to every diver, no matter their agency or level. To make teaching from home easier, SSI has worked extremely hard to bring final exams online, both on the MySSI website and the MySSI App. Training Centers are also making use of all the digital features SSI offers, such as all the exams, training materials, marketing materials, videos, and much more that are online and accessible from everywhere for free, for all SSI facilities. Additional features, such as MyDiveGuide and the events calendar, can help divers plan their future trips from home right now. By encouraging future travel, they are keeping our Industry afloat. Here is a list of programs that can be entirely taught from the comfort of your couch:
  • Science of Diving (Free)
  • Blue Oceans (Free)
  • Marine Ecology
  • Manta and Ray Ecology
  • Shark Ecology
  • Sea Turtle Ecology
  • Fish Identification
  • Coral Identification
  • EAN (Nitrox) 32
The ecology programs are especially suited for EVERYONE! Scuba Divers, Freedivers, Mermaids, Extended Range Divers, and even "Soon-to-be Divers." On top of that, SSI is helping all their Pros as best as they can by offering double Pro Reward points for 2020. SSI is also offering all the Pro Reward points for the free Science of Diving programs certified, therefore drastically reducing Renewal Fees for 2021. www.diveSSI.com image©istock/jacoblund