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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Ti Point Wharf

Ti Point is a great beginners dive site! It is an easy site to access with a concrete ramp and wharf that can be used to enter and exit the water.

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Yellow Sponge Garden

Yellow Sponge Garden is found by heading in a West to North Westerly direction from the shore of the reserve. The sponges are first spotted at around the 8-9m depth mark. The tall kelp stalks leading up to the site are dusty and the ledges will drop off onto sponge bearing sandy patches.

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Shag Rock

This site is located just out from the main beach of the reserve. The rock itself is visible during low tide but not at high tide. Depth ranges between 3-5m (depending on the tide) with sandy pathways filled with kelp forests behind them.

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Located on the left hand side of the island, marked with a white letter B on the cliff face. Depth of 5-6m with a sandy bottom and a kelp wall. Over the wall and into the bay itself it becomes very shallow 2-3m

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Goat Island

Goat Island is a marine reserve located near Cape Rodney in the Hauraki Gulf. The reserve offers a range of marine landscapes, from sandy flats to rocky reef systems.

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Gem Cave

Best dove during high tide - best snorkeled during the lower tides. Located on the right side of the island. The gem cave has two entries and they merge together in the back. It doesn’t go far back and there is a slight space between the surface and the cave ceiling. Very dim lights - bring a torch!

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Mathesons Bay

Mathesons Bay is a sheltered bay that is perfect for diving! Divers can easily enter and exit the water via the beach or over the rock platform if the tide is right.

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Waterfall Reef

Located in the far Eastern side of the channel, hugging closer to the mainland. Depths from 10m !!! Notable water movement and currents with easterly conditions such and wind and swell. Tide timing is important for this dive site - incoming to slack tide is the best for it to be easier to get back to shore.

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Wonderview is a fantastic site to dive! The reef structure is very bouldery and is teeming with life. Entries and exits can be a little tricky and be cautious of the steep track. The site itself starts in the shallows and slopes down to the sand at 25m.

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Tabletop Reef

Tabletop Reef is a beautiful dive site that has quite a range of features the inner part of the reef system features steep bommies that drop down to the sandy bottom at around 10 meters. As you follow the reef North it flattens out to a kelp and sponge garden eventually reaching a sand flat at roughly 20 meters.

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