This data is provided from the logbook information in the MySSI app Affiliated Training Center Dive sites nearby © MaresFrognerFrogner was a Norwegian steamship that sank 25th April 1918. The depth is at 35m. It’s been extensively salvaged but still a great wreck to dive, although it’s deep location makes it best for advanced divers.Learn more © Mares, Predrag VuckovicUB-74 (Wreck)UB-74 was a German submarine, sunk on 26 May 1918. The wreck sits at 34m. 182ft long she was sunk by a depth charge from an armed yacht called Lorna. A great wreck to dive when the tides allow.Learn more © Scubapro, Stephen FrinkP-555 (Wreck)This Submarine P-555 is lying upright on the seabed at 39m. This wreck is pretty much intact. It sank on 28 April 1947. With 4x21in bow torpedo tubes and a 3in AA gun, this is a great dive for any submarine enthusiast with a Deep or Extended Range Diver Speciality.Learn more © ScubaproSpaniard/Encuri (Wreck)Just inside the outer breakwater, this is another fantastic wreck for beginners, or those wanting somewhere to check out gear, test skills, or just head out for an ’easy’ dive. Max depth is 14m, going up to 7m.Learn more © Scubapro, Stephen FrinkBalaclava BayStarting on a 6m ledge, this is a great site for drift dives. By swimming away from the shore, divers can choose their depth, though most of the interesting stuff is in the shallower region.Learn more © MaresCountess of ErneThis is a paddle steamer built at the end of the 1800s. Towards the end of its life it was used as a barge to ferry coal out to the battleships moored within the harbour. In 1935 it was blown from its moorings and ended up wrecked against the breakwater wall where it remains.Learn more © MaresBombarden Unit (Wreck)This wreck sank in two sections, the second section is about 150 yards to the southeast. Large metal tanks and some flat sheets can be seen. It sits at 12m deep in a soft, silty bed with the wreck standing around 3m high.Learn more © ScubaproBritish Inventor (Wreck)Fairly flat wreck, consisting of plates and other wreckage. Only the bow section of the ship sank, the rest was towed away and repaired. Depth is 17m on a mainly sand and gravel bottom.Learn more © AqualungElena R (Wreck)Greek steamship sunk on 22nd November 1939. Lies at a depth of 27m and stands around 7m high in places. Surrounded by loose sandy gravel and strong currents. Be careful to get the right dive times.Learn more © AqualungEthel (Wreck)Ethel was a British steamship, torpedoed by German Sub-UB-104 on 16 September 1918, and was one of the last casualties of WWI. Depth is 36m on a sandy bed with good visibility.Learn more The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.