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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Barracuda Deep

Probably the most advanced dive around the island. The whole wall is overgrown with hard and soft corals and the gorgonians reach a considerable size.

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Depths between 5 - 20 m. Wave action during the rainy season (July to October) created deep cuts in the coral reef providing refuge to all sorts of coral fish and bottom dwellers.

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This dive site on the SW-side of Pandan Island consists of a steep slope with occasional big rocks and canyons that offer shelter to a wide array of reef fishes and attract predators such as mackerels and trevallys. There is a variation of different corals and big sea fans up to 2 meters diameter to be found.

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North Wall

A sheer drop from about 7 - 35 m makes this an interesting dive site. Although not as many fish are seen as in other parts of the island, the overhanging corals create a very special atmosphere.

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House Reef

Depths 2 – 18m. Ideal for beginners, courses or a warm-up dive. No current ever. Still, a wide variety of coral fish can be seen. Nearby ‘Lion fish den’ consists of a group of corals & rocks.

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Napoleon Wall

At the deeper end of Neptune’s Land, there is a small wall with a depth ranging from 28 to 38 meters that is a popular gathering place for schools of snappers, rainbowrunners, and occasionally, napoleon wrasse.

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Coral Garden East

This is an easy but beautiful dive. In a lively garden of mainly hard corals with patches of sand in between, all kinds of marine life can be observed at this beautiful spot.

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Mystic Grounds

The area below the coral garden west is home to big sea-fans and several rocks with an abundance of coral-fish. Due to the muddy consistency of the bottom the visibility is foggy and gives this unusual site a mystic appearance.

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Neptunes Land

This dive site is a flat plateau connecting Napoleon Wall and the Coral Garden east. As the name indicates, Neptune cups to a considerable size can be found. Also turtles seem to favor this site.

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Napoleon Corner

At the end of the Napoleon Wall a rocky outcrop forms the Napoleon corner. Exposed to the current this divesite ranges from 30 to 45 meter and is exposed to the currents.

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