SSI Decompression Diving – Minden, amit tudnod kell

SSI launches a new Decompression Diving Specialty for recreational divers to get a taste of what decompression diving is like, without having to go entirely technical.   SSI continues to invest in its Training Centers by frequently adding exciting new training opportunities for all levels of SSI divers. Today, we are excited to announce the latest addition to our Recreational Diving programs, the NEW  SSI Decompression Diving Specialty. This innovative new specialty bridges the gap between recreational diving and SSI Extended Range (XR) programs. It is the perfect opportunity for recreational divers to try more advanced diving without having to commit to going entirely technical right off the bat.

What makes the SSI Decompression Diving specialty so good?

Often, the difference between recreational equipment and a more technical set-up seems intimidating and overwhelming to the standard dive customer. However, the new Decompression Diving Specialty is the perfect way to slowly introduce divers to the excitement and adventure offered by the Extended Range (XR) programs. READ MORE: WHAT IS XR DIVING? THE REAL STORY.

What will you learn in this Decompression Diving specialty?

This specialty provides all of the training you need to independently plan and conduct decompression dives, using either traditional recreational equipment or by being introduced to using a sidemount system.
  • You will dive to a maximum depth of 40 meters, with a maximum accumulated decompression time of 15 minutes.
As the program is a recreational specialty, it will adhere closely to recreational training standards and procedures.

Go Further Than Ever - SSI Extended Range Programs.

Our Extended Range programs provide all the training you need to experience the excitement of cave diving, the thrill of exploring deep reefs and wrecks, and to enjoy extended bottom times. You will go deeper and further than ever before with these programs and take your dive skills to the next level. Browse our Extended Range programs to find out more and start learning online today! READ MORE: TOP 10 XR DIVE SITES OF THE RED SEA.