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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Val Bomber (Wreck)

Apra Harbor, 25-100’. The Japanese Val bomber sits in 85’ laying against side of the sloping reef. There are also numerous barges in shallow water that can be explored on the same dive. Sunk during the liberation of Guam, July 1944

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Blue & White

An extremely clear water drop-off outside the Glass Breakwater. Upper reef flats start at 30’ with severe drop-off. Accessible by boat only, always a possibility of strong currents.Photographers love this site for wide-angle and macro pics.

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Barge Reef

Drift along the Glass Breakwater from Val Bomber to American Tanker. The barges were dropped here when the breakwater was created in the mid-1940’s. Colorful soft and hard corals along the wreckage and a variety of reef fish. Elephant Ear Sponges are abundant

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Scuba Beach

Scuba Beach features a wide variety of coral with several sand flats that make it ideal for diver training. Entry can be by boat or via a stairway built into the artificial shoreline. Depths range from standing depth to 30m+.

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American Tanker (Wreck)

The American Tanker is a large concrete barge that was used during World War II to transport fuel from the United States to Guam. It was one of five barges that were brought to Guam and the remains of the others can be seen along the breakwater. This is a great boat dive for all diver levels.

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Kitsugawa Maru (Wreck)

The Kits is a Japanese freighter sunk in July 1944. It is sitting upright on the bottom of Apra Harbor at 140 feet deep. The large bow gun is still intact. The deck of the vessel is 115 ft deep, with the masts reaching to about 50 ft from the surface.

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Seabee Junkyard

Apra Harbor, 35-140’ A Plateau along the breakwater with many bulldozers and other construction equipment left by the Seabees when they finished building the breakwater. A small harbor transfer ship and a large bulldozer rest at the bottom of the slope 130.

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Luminao Reef

a wide variety of reef fish can be viewed at Luminao Reef, as well as passing pelagic species, such as tuna and barracuda. Visibility is usually quite clear here - a great boat drift dive

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Japanese Salvage Tug (Wreck)

World War 2 wreck that lies in 130 feet. With the deck at 115 feet, this an excellent site for deep divers with nitrox. Penetration is not recommended for this site with the deterioration of the sunken vessel. Must be done from a boat.

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Outhouse Beach

Apra Beach (aka Outhouse Beach) is a popular training site for beginner dive classes. A wide variety of fish frequent this location. It is also a great night dive for divers of all levels.

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