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Dive sites nearby

Ponta do Alvo

Also known as Ponta Grossa do Sitio Forte, because it faces the inlet of Sitio Forte. You dive into the structures of an old pier. Around the tip, there is a prominent point known as Alvo. According to the locals, this structure is a nautical radar reflector.

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Costão da Jaconema - Deck Pous Nautilus (Ilha Grd RJ)

Classic rocky coastline dive, with a minimum depth of 4 meters and maximum of 15 meters. This dive can be done by beginners or advanced divers. The night dive is excellent at this point, with a lot of marine life.

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Ponta Grossa

Ponta Grossa do Sítio Forte is a popular spot for Ilha Grande’s divers. This point is a rocky coast, when you go around the tip you enter the Cove of Sítio Forte.

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Ponta do Bananal

An excellent option for sheltered and shallow dives, Bananal Cove is very close to shore. It consists of a classic rocky coastline and is an excellent diving spot for beginners.

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Parcel da Laje Branca

Next to Laje Branca, within 3 minutes of sailing in the direction of Ilha Longa, there is a area that is 8 to 15 meters deep. They are submerged rock formations, with crevices, clusters of stones and corals. As it is a sheltered area, it is possible that on days of rough seas currents occur.

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Rio de Janeiro (Wreck)

Rio de Janeiro was a steamboat that sank on June 2, 1853 as a result of a charcoal fire. The crew, after much effort, could not get around the situation, so the captain sailed towards Praia Vermelha to disembark the crew and passengers.

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Parcel do Coronel

Parcel dos Coroneis is considered by many divers the best dive site in the sea from inside Ilha Grande. With up to 26 meters deep and 200 meters long, the Parcel dos Coroneis presents great schools and a lot of marine life.

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Ilha Josefa

Josefa Island is a diving point located in Angra dos Reis, RJ, and has depth ranging from 0 to 8 meters. The dive is done in costão, and it can be observed a great amount of sponges, corals and multicolored fish of small size.

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Fenda Jorge Grego

The Crack of the Island of Jorge Grego is one of the most famous and desired diving spots of the sea outside of Ilha Grande. The crevice consists of an opening almost 4 meters wide and 15 meters deep, located in the middle of the Island of Greek Jorge. The dive is done with a drift boat and this requires experience.

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Ilha dos Meros - Paraty

Ilha dos Meros, in Paraty-RJ, has become one of the most famous diving spots in the Southeast of Brazil, because most divers know the place and even made their first dives at this point. The diving is sheltered and very quiet. Maximum depth of 13 meters, without current.

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