This data is provided from the logbook information in the MySSI app Affiliated Training Center Dive sites nearby © Mares, Predrag VuckovicOrca BayOrca Bay is a sheltered bay with a deep wall that drops to 20m+ it then slopes down to 35m+ further into the bay. There are small pinnacles dotted around the bay that provide shelter to a large variety of sea life!Learn more © MaresAldermens-Middle MiddleMiddle middle is situated in the middle of the middle alderman island. This dive site is one not to be missed. If you are after a very scenic dive this is idealLearn more © MaresAldermens- Mooring BayMooring Bay is one of the more common spots for those who want to experience the Alderman’s without the depth and current. Ideal training bay with a shallow anchoring area with sand.Learn more © AqualungAldermens- HoneyCombHoneycomb dive site offers a range of underwater exploring from going up into the honeycomb like caves to follow a steep and deep wall on the southern side of the rock.Learn more © MaresAldermens- Fish FactoryFish Factory is one of the many magnificent dive sites in the alderman group offering up a nice wall to cruise along and also offers us a pinnacle just off from the wall. More suited for the more experienced and expert divers as it can become a deep dive quite easily.Learn more © Mares, Janez KranjcThe Golf ball/ Car ParkBoat Harbour is a very popular place to park up but diving around waipapa island can be good fun, sandy bay in the middle and the further around the island you go the deeper and steeper the drop off.Learn more © MaresBIG BAYIt is as it sounds, a big bay with diving spots everywhere around the bay. deeper as you head towards the middle, white sand patches on the western edge.Learn more © Mares, Janez KranjcRarotonga BayRarotonga Bay is one of those places that doesn’t disappoint, the water here on a good day can sometimes be mistaken for a day in the tropics hence the name.Learn more © GET WET WAIKATO, 3200 HAMILTONChampagne RockThe northern side of champagne rock is a great starting area for you dive. Out in champagne bay is 10m with big open reef. Swimming along side the rock itself is a wall that is littered with sealife.Learn more © MaresMAHURANGI IS/ GOAT IS2 tractors were sunk here to make an artificial reef Many moons ago. This is a sandy bottom with small broken reef that borders on the Hahei marine reserve. Great for beginners and OW1 and 2. Easy navigation and is protected from most weather.Learn more The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.