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Dive sites nearby


Reachable in 30 minutes by plane from Kagoshima, Yakushima is an island with a circumference of about 130 km and an area of 500 km². In the center of the island is a prehistoric forest, and the Jomon cedars are all too famous.

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Tanegashima Island

This island is located about 100 km south of Kagoshima and is famous for its space center where rockets are launched. It is also a mecca for surfing. It can be reached from Kagoshima in about 30 minutes by plane or 1 hour and 30 minutes by high-speed boat.

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Buddha Coral

Amami Oshima is located almost halfway between Kagoshima and the main island of Okinawa, and is the second largest island in Japan. There are many flights and good access from the metropolitan area. It takes about 15 minutes by boat to see the huge common coral (20m in diameter and 7m high). It was named Daibutsu Coral because the huge coral looks like the head of a giant Buddha. The water is about 16m deep and the sandy white sandy soil is spreading and there are many colorful flounder and butterflyfish around. Points that can be enjoyed by beginners at ease.

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This dive site is located on the western side of the Satsuma Peninsula, facing the East China Sea. You can usually dive anywhere at any time depending on the wind direction. The clarity is 10 to 30 meters. The water temperature is 8.5 degrees Celsius in September and can reach 30 degrees Celsius.

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Sengen Dragon Hole

This is a beach entry divesite. Initially, it is quite shallow, but after a short distance, the depth increases to 6 to 8 meters, which makes it an excellent location for training. The light filtering through the opening creates an astonishing atmosphere that defies the typical expectations of a beach entry point. A turtle sighting is practically guaranteed at this dive site; you could confidently claim a 120% encounter rate!

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Yoron Island

Yoron Island is the westernmost point of the Amami archipelago and can be reached in about 1 hour and 15 minutes from Kagoshima and about 35 minutes from the Naha Airport. Because there are no rivers on the island, the clarity of the sea is very good at 25 to 30 meters.

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Goto Islands

It takes about 90 minutes by boat from Nagasaki to the Goto Islands, which are made up of more than 140 islands of various sizes floating about 130 km west of Nagasaki. The coastline is intricate, so there are plenty of diving spots.

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USS Emmons (Wreck)

One of the largest shipwrecks in Okinawa. It takes about 20 minutes by boat from Kouri Island, which is located in the northern part of Okinawa’s main island and is the longest bridge in Okinawa. The 106-meter-long battleship is lying on the bottom of the water with the original model intact.

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Kujyukushima Islands

Kujuku Island in Nagasaki Prefecture is a sea area dotted with islands that stretches 25 kilometers north of Sasebo Port, and is said to have the highest density of islands in Japan. The diving can be divided into the nearby Kujuku Islands area and the expedition area.

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Fukashima Island

Fukashima, the southernmost island in Oita Prefecture, is a small island with a population of about 30 people, located about 9 km south of Kamae Port. There are nearly 100 cats on the island, but most of them are not domestic cats, but island cats. Two islands, one in the south and the other in the north, are connected by a central sandbar that looks like a gourd from the air. You may even encounter dolphins and turtles while traveling on the island. Underwater, you’ll find dynamic terrain, beautiful coral reefs and colorful soft coral beds.

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