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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Le Masque

A 45-minute boat ride from Golfe Juan, a site rich in gorgonians and other Mediterranean species. Accessible to beginners and advanced alike,

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Grotte à Corail

40 minutes from Golfe Juan, sheltered from the east by La Tradelière, a drop-off dominated by a plateau between 3 and 5 meters deep marked by a buoy. The bottom of the drop-off is at 38 meters. At the end is a large potato invaded by red gorgonians. Ideal for beginners to advanced divers

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Le Vengeur

Middle of vengeur´s drop-off, this site has the same characteristics as the tombant du vengeur. The plateau breaks off and falls to a depth of 60 meters.

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Le Tombant du Vengeur

To the east of Ile Ste Margueritte, a 40-minute sail away, the site is marked by a mooring buoy reserved for diving centers. The 7-metre-deep plateau is split by the drop-off, which extends over several hundred metres.

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La Petite Françoise

A 30-minute boat ride will take you to this site, which is actually in two parts. The first is marked by a mooring buoy on the wall (9 to 42 m) and the second part is marked by the Tradelière island, ideal for beginners (0 to 15 m).

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Le Vengeur 2

Site in the prologement of the Vengeur drop-off, 40 minutes' sail from Golfe Juan; the drop-off is characterized by its great length of several hundred meters. The plateau at 7 meters plunges to 60 meters.

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Le Batéguier

Located to the west of Sainte-Marguerite Island, the Bateguier is a drop-off ranging in depth from 3 to over 40 meters. Suitable for all divers, it is possible to stay shallow on the rocks at the top of the drop-off (3-6m), but also to make some great exploration dives.

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Pierre Jaques

Beyond the Fourmigue, a site that starts at 15 metres and descends to 48 metres. A muted atmosphere where red gorgonians decorate the scattered rocks.

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Sec a Pierre

Just 35 minutes by boat from Golfe Juan, to the southwest of La Fourmigue, this site offers a beautiful dive between 17 and 53 meters. The drop-off follows a vast plateau of posidonia, and at the bottom of the drop-off, patates form perpendicular lines at regular intervals.

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La Fouillée

Located in the Bay of Cannes, La Fouillée is a site to explore at depths of between 7 and 60 metres. Divers of all levels will enjoy wandering and training around these rocks.

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