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Dive sites nearby

Areal da Lapa

Diving site located next to the famous Calhau da Lapa but explores the sandy part of the Calhau (between the rocks and the sand). This dive is done by boat and follows a slope with the possibility of seeing different types of rays and fish.

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Baixa das Moreias - Clube Naval

In front of Clube Naval do Funchal, this rocky reef is home to plenty of marine life. Easy immersion for beginners. Navigation is not difficult, as the reef extends in an east-west direction.

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Baixa do Carneiro

Approximately 25 meters from the stairs to the sea at Complexo Balnear do Lido. A fall whose top is just 5 meters deep and descends to 18 meters. It allows excellent diving in “home reefs” for all levels of divers.

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VidaMar House Reef

VidaMar house Reef is a shore dive with easy accessibility and is available to all divers from beginners to advanced divers.The good visibility, no current, and ease of access make this spot an excellent first dive in Madeira. It also offers an amazing night dive!

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Azul House Reef

Azul House Reef is a beautiful dive full of fantastic biodiversity. What makes this site special, however, is the volcanic caves and rock formations. The bottom topography changes throughout the dive from sand and rocks to isolated blocks of coral and even caves. This is an exciting site for beginners and experienced divers alike, with a max depth of 18 meters.

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A shore dive, 5 minutes away from the Brava diving center, Sandy is a nice dive site with a resident sea turtle named Sandy. The entry is done by the stairs of the harbor and the dive follows the coast.

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Baía da Ribeira Brava

Confined water dive site with a maximum depth of 5 meters really close to the Brava Diving center. This dive site is the best spot for beginners who wish to get into scuba diving!

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Costa Brava

Shore dive, with a very large biodiversity that goes from the beach of Ribeira Brava to the interior of the bay of Ribeira Brava. The entrance is through Ribeira Brava beach and follows a wall of blocks where different species of fish and other marine animals inhabit.

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Mamas / T-Reef, Madeira

Mamas-T Reef, also known as T-Reef, is a captivating dive site located in the Underwater Natural Park of Madeira. This site is renowned for its two prominent volcanic pinnacles that rise from a depth of 30 meters to about 12 meters below the surface

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This site is one of the most popular dive sites on Madeira Island, located around 100 meters offshore. The sea bed consists of a sandy bottom where huge rock formations lie creating the perfect environment for the famous Dusky grouper.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.