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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby


One of two dive sites in Bora Bora where it is possible to see the ballet of mantas. The dive is done along a drop-off. Very easy diving without current at a shallow depth.

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The Aquarium is a magnificent coral garden, ideal for first-time divers and those looking to refresh their skills. The coral rock set on the beautiful white sand is home to a plethora of multicolored fish.

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Muri Muri

An outstanding deep blue dive site. Together, with grey reef sharks, you will discover a large coral plateau leading you to a sandbank inhabited by a colony of garden eels. In the deep open water, schools of trevallies, barracudas,and turtles are seen. This is a drift dive.

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Teavanui Pass

As in all the channels/passes, it is possible to see big pelagic animals passing. The current can sometimes be strong, so this dive is more suitable for advanced divers.

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Many tropical fishes gather along this drop-off, among them huge anemones and their clown fish. At the bottom of the wall, a large sand bank where leopard rays and eagle rays come to feed. The dive ends on a beautiful coral garden.

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Haapiti is a nice drift dive. At the coral plateau you can visit 3 large holes. It is then possible to see different excavations and mini caves. Diving outside the lagoon visibility is excellent and can sometimes reach 60m.

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Its a dive site 10 minutes max by boat, and runs from north to west, but is exposed to waves and sometimes current. Going there will always depend on the weather conditions.

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Privileged place to observe giant morays, sharks and all kind of reef fishes. It is a favorite dive site for beginners and first time divers in Moorea.

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Canyons - Moorea (Tahiti)

The Canyon dive site is located off the mysthical Ōpūnohu Bay in Moorea. The underwater life is varied : anemones with clown fish, turtles or even black tip sharks.

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Eden Park

From Level 1 or Open Water. Maximum depth 29 meters. Diving in a beautiful coral garden, with sharks, turtles, barracudas, clown fish in the anemones...

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