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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Carwitzer Mühle/Badestelle Carwitz, Schmaler Luzin

Max. Depth to about 30m. Parking on the official parking lot or roadside possible. To the left and right you can dive nicely in the shallow water area. Also here you can find bent trees in the water, which offer hiding places for fish.

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Schmaler Luzin Fähre

Boulders in the water and freshwater shoals make the spot attractive. A paid parking lot is available, entry point can be reached from there on foot via the stairs or the car path. Relics from old times, e.g. remains of plates, glasses and bottles, parts of rowing boats, max. depth approx. 15m.

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Tauchbasis Thomsdorf, Carwitzer See

Integrated into the Feldberg Lake landscape, Carwitzer See is a popular location for training and further education. Located on the edge of the Mecklenburg Lake District, it is a very clear water lake.

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Schmaler Luzin

105 steps down to the water (and back up after the dive). Immediately after entry, however, the large stones and trees lying in the shore area offer plenty of fish to see.

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This dive site boasts a campsite with its own diving center, offering relaxed dives in a refreshing atmosphere.

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Tollensesee / Neubrandenburg

Beautifully situated lake with remains of the Torpedo Test Facility (TVA). Torpedoes and wrecks are spread all over the lake. The diving club, Tollensee, organizes trips to the different diving sites. Divers should already have some experience for deep diving and diving in darkness and cold water.

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Stechlinsee is a German clear water lake and the deepest lake Brandenburg. the deeper area is not for diving, however, diving is open all year round. Accommodations are available and the lake offers children’s holiday camps.

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Wassersport Werbelow e.V.

Entry on the premises of Wassersport Werbelow e.V. Beautiful vegetation in the area up to 6m, lots of small fish, pike and eels also possible during the day. From the entrance shallow sloping to max. 12m depth. Compass absolutely necessary!

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Am Alten Hotel

It takes its name from the old prefabricated building across the road, which is no longer in use. The entrance from the shore is followed by an interesting plant area, where the edge changes at 6-8 meters into an area with many shells. Gently it goes then also deeper.

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Dornbuschwrack Werbellinsee

The main attraction for which most advanced divers come here is the 30-meter wreck of a wooden barge (1) at about 30-40 meters. There is also a second wooden barge nearby (2), unfortunately mostly covered with sand. Not suitable for beginners.

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