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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Canyon, Dahab

The Canyon is located 1.5km from the Blue Hole. Another geographical marvel, it is a deep fissure in the reef that you reach after entering a shallow lagoon and swimming along a coral garden plateau.

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Tropitel Dahab Oasis house reef

Serves as both, a dive on its own and a drift dive from the adjacent site The Canyon, be prepared to see one of the most diverse dive sites in Dahab.

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Ricks Reef

Rick’s reef is located 250 meters north of the Canyon dive site, which makes it perfect to be conducted as a drift dive that allows the divers to reach the lagoon of the canyon. Being one of the less visited dives in Dahab, the reef is in a very good condition.

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Abu Talha

15min drive north. Shallowly sloping coral garden with pinnacles, which, when dived north, turns into a sandy slope with table corals. In the shallow area especially beautiful due to massive hard coral blocks.Entrance over the reef top, therefore only diveable at high tide and little wind.

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Abu Helal

3 min drive south of the Canyon dive site located about 20 min from Dive Center. Only accessible during higher tide and calm surface conditions.

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Tiger house

Located South of the Blue Hole with a nice coral garden and shallow coral reef. Nice shallow area. The entrance is over the reef top, so this dive site can only be dived when there is little wind and high tide. Popular with Tec divers because of a deep canyon.

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Blue Hole, Dahab

Located 12km North of Dahab, the famous Blue hole dive site is a large submarine sinkhole, 150m across and 110m deep. The dive can start or end at the blue Hole as you can enter the water north of the sink hole at Ells Bells and multi level your dive to end at the blue hole.

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The Bells

Located about 35 min drive north of Dahab, the Bells is the starting point dive towards the Blue Hole. A challenging entrance to reach the drop-off wall reaching 100-110 meters. Finish the dive by entering the Blue Hole from the outside wall.

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Eel Garden

In Dahab directly, approx. 7min approach. Entrance over wide reef roof, therefore only with little/no wind and high tide diveable. Wide sand field with countless garden eels. Shallow return (7-3m) on a beautiful, brightly coloured reef. Partial counter current on the way back.

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Bannerfish Bay

150 meters south of the Lighthouse in Dahab, comes this dive site where encounters with schools of Bannerfishes are almost guaranteed. This site is speciallly interesting to underwater photographers due to its diverse fauna.

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