Our first project – Extreme cold is the name of the game!

What works best if you want to see how your products perform when being used?
Mares has spent several decades developing products, especially regulators that can work in extreme conditions.
Within these extreme conditions we can also improve and refine some of SSI's XR and Specialty courses such as Ice Diving.
While many of us enjoy diving in warm waters and regular conditions, manufacturers aim to design their products for a wide range of uses. In order to experience one of these extremes the MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition team was called to perform a couple of tests in actual dives in one of the most extreme cold-water destinations around the globe - The Lake of Baikal.
The lake is 672km long and 1,637m deep. It is the richest freshwater lake in the world and in February 2017, when we will be travelling there, the ice is between 1 and 10 meters thick. Do you think this is a good location to test products? So do we....!
Located 8,000 km from home, 7 time-zones away, Irkutsk will be our starting point for a incredible journey to beat the best out of the products we will take with us. Stay tuned. We will travel soon and tell you all about our preparation, what needs to be organized, which products we will take with us and why and who will join the team to go to Russia to this pristine and unique destination.
Your MARES / SSI / rEvo Dive Expedition Team