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Dive sites nearby

Chicken Wreck (M.V Glaros)

M.V. Glaros was a 60m diesel refrigerator vessel. It rests on its side at around 20m depth. It is known as ’Chicken Wreck’ due to its cargo of frozen chickens which can still find inside the wreck. Ran aground on 20/11/1976. and on 22/11/1976 All of ship crew was saved.

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Bayadah (بياضة)

A reef island creating a living habitat for plenty of fish and corals. Easy entry from boat and always protected from rough waves and currents. Marine interaction in the area is very interesting as in the north of the island lives a school of Trevally that feeds on early morning. Excellent location for beginners

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Coco Beach

Coco Beach is a beach in the north of Jeddah very suitable for recreational, night and technical diving.Easy to descend for divers of all levels. There are two caves to the north at a depth of 3m, and to the south a platform at a depth of about 5m, ideal for beginners. Drop off to the sand at a depth of 36m.

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Bahadur Resort House Reef

The Bahadur Resort House Reef is a great dive site for entry-level and intermediate level divers. The site is full of colorful coral and busy fish life.

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salhia beach

Salhia resort is great diving site in north obhur. shallow 5 and 7 m then 10 m depth suitable for recreational and fun diving. under water is an untouched environment you can see a wall of corals. depth can go to below 40 m

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SOL Beach

Sol is a beach in the north of Jeddah that has a platform at a depth of about 5 meters. Max. Depth up to 40 meters. Its suitable for beginners and professionals. If there is current, it becomes full of colors and marine life.

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Sheraton Beach Resort

Sheraton Beach Resort offers a shore dive typical of the Saudi Red Sea shoreline. Private resort offers entry people interested in learning to dive as well as certified divers. place is very convenient for XR divers as it offers deep dives easily.

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Fire coral garden

A suitable dive site for beginners and advanced divers alike. The site is a coral island. A fire coral garden line is connected to the west side of the island.

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Blue Reef diver Training pool

Swimming pool in North Obhur,Jeddah near diving beaches suitable for training beginners in a shallow area and an area up to 3 meters deep The pool is fully enclosed and neither sunlight nor air reaches it

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Scuba Master training pool

The pool is located in Abhur Al Shamaliya, Jeddah, near the diving beaches, with a depth of 3.2 meters, there are umbrellas and outdoor seating The pool is not fully covered and reaches sunlight and air

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.