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Dive sites nearby

Croisette, La Carrière Vodecée

Near Philippeville you will find the hamlet of Vodecée, where you will find next to Vodelée and La Roche Fontaine a third quarry loved by divers. This quarry is also called La Croisette. This quarry used to extract red marble.

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Barrage de l'Eau d'Heure

Barrage l’Eau d’Heures is a varied dive site, located in the largest water area in Belgium. The lake is easily accessible and offers a unique underwater biotope in addition to a large number of underwater objects. Barrage is definitely worth a dive.

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Carriere de la Rochefontaine

It is an old red marble quarry that was exploited until the 1980’s. A oblique plane going down from, 4m to 6m (the height varies according to the seasons), then the quarry is made up of plateaus at depths of 22m, 26m, 36m, 40m, 43m and 52m with steep walls.

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Carriere de Vodeleé

This dive site is an old marble quarry located in the village of Vodelée, near Philippeville. Pink and grey marble was extracted here, and from time to time you can still see some underwater.

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Carriere du Flato - Floreffe

It is 280 metres long and 80 metres wide, covering a little more than 2 hectares, with a maximum depth of 13 to 16 metres, depending on variations in the water table, and an average depth of 8 to 13 metres.

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Officially, the name is Carrière de Rhisnes. This quarry offers something for everyone! Are you going for a regular dive? Then you can go here. Do you prefer cave diving? Then go on a journey through the overhead part of the quarry!

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A former blue stone quarry, the quarry offers different platforms and allows diving for all levels of divers. SCOUFFLENY is 750m long and 250m wide, 15ha of water, a maximum depth of 44m.

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Carrière Trois Fontaines

In an enchanting and exclusive setting, come and discover the underwater world of a former quartzite quarry or take advantage of the exceptional setting to organise your events on a floating pontoon.

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Carrière de Dour

The area of about 10 ha, the quarry of Dour is a chalk quarry. It has a depth of 18 to 20 m. Several plateaus of different heights from the baptism to the exploration.

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Piscine Waterloo

This swimming pool in Waterloo has recently been covered and can be used all year round for training in Scuba Diving, Freediving, Mermaid, Lifeguard and Swim.

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