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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby


Cathedral is a spectacular wall dive. The name was given because when the sun beams hit the unique wall shapes and formations, it gives a feeling of diving through a huge Cathedral.

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Off the coast of Panteronissi facing Paros, Amphitheater is 5 minutes away from the port of Aliki. The site is named after a series of overhangs.

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Jacquarium is a wonderful drop off starting from a plateau at 10m and reaching a depth of 40+m. It is situated off the coast of Panteronisi after the well known Blue Lagoon, less than 10 minutes from Aliki.

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Makria Miti

Makria miti (long nose) is a narrow line of land that close the bay of Aliki on the east side. It is not more than 5 minutes boat ride from the dock of Aliki. A sandy bottom enriched by many rocks formation makes it the ideal dive spot for beginners to practice their skills

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Less than 10 minutes boat trip from the fishermen village of Aliki the small island of Preza (Mikronisi) offers a nice plateau between 8 and 12 meters on its southwest side, with a small drop off at the end that reach 16 m . Often you can find in the area some mild current from the north side.

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Piso Aliki

Just a few minutes walking from the village of Aliki, the beach of Piso Aliki is the perfect spot to make your first bubbles underwater. A sandy bottom entrance from the north side of the beach will lead you to a 6m deep colorful reef full of life.

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Minoan Reef

Ten minutes boat trip from Alyki port, in front of Faraggas beach, the Minoan Reef dive site presents a series of underwater mountain chains which start 5m below the surface and reach a depth of more than 25m.

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Close to the famous Tripiti dive site, Ekatosti is a really funny dive that grows in a small labyrinth made of narrow canyons and ends in front of a pinnacle reaching 3 meters to the surface.

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Ayers Reef

Hundred meters off Tripiti dive site, this rock emerges from a posidonia meadow at around 25 meter depth, which makes this dive site accessible only to advanced divers or higher level.

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Pirate's cove

A small protected cove starting at 4 m depth and slowly going down till 28 m. Just a 12 minutes boat ride from Alyki port. Beautiful rock formations, swim through and fresh water springs where a rich marine life is growing.

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