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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Cristo degli Abissi

The site is located on the northern edge of Priola on a bathymetric of about 30 meters in a natural amphitheater. A Christ statue has been placed there that makes the scenery enchanting. The presence of groupers, ravens, and large breams are seen here.

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Junkers Ju-52 (Wreck)

A few hundred meters from the port of Isola delle Femmine is the wreckage of the German Junkers 52 aircraft. It was shot down in April 1943, and now sits at 46 meters deep on a sandy bottom.

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Scalo Madonna

Opposite the Diving Center we can find Scalo della Madonna with entrance from the beach suitable for all training dives in confined waters and night dives.

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Franata di Ponente

West of the Isolotto di Isola delle Femmine, a 10-minute boat ride from the diving site we can find Franata di Ponente, a dive suitable for everyone from beginners to experts; its depth varies from 5 to 50 meters.

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Parete del Corallo

Just a few minutes’ boat ride from the port of Isola delle Femmine to the west of Isolotto we can find wall of Ponente, with vertical walls from 25 to 50 meters, a true paradise of biodiversity.

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Two miles South West Of the Ustica’s harbour, there is this dive site that raises from a sandy bottom at 50m/150 ft goes up to his top at 26m/78 ft. It’s surely one of the top dive spots of the island with lots of corals and fishes.

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Punta dell’Arpa

About a mile and a half in a westerly direction from the port of Ustica, is Punta dell’Arpa, characterized on the surface by the presence of its famous “scoglio del cornutone“. Underwater, two large rocks rise from a sandy bottom of 40 m, whose walls are colonized by large branches of red gorgonians.

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Cala Galera

One mile southwest of Ustica harbor is Punta Galera: a lava flow bisects a bay. Here you can follow several dive routes that allow you to follow profiles suitable for divers of any experience. It is also one of the sites where courses are held.

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Zia Lisa

A 15-minute navigation from the port, on the southern side of the island, is this cove with crystal clear water and an unusual name. This dive site is characterized by a multitude of passages formed by landslides of boulders, that offer plays of wonderful light.

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Grotta Pastizza

This dive site is located a few minutes by boat from the port. Suitable for all levels, it allows you to follow a wall and, for those with the right training, to enter a cave that has two air bubbles inside. In the first room we find the statue of S. Bartolo, patron saint of the island.

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