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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby


Zandmeren or Zandmeren parking is a nice spot with a number of objects such as a surf sail, boat and scooter. A simple dive site ideal for beginners and people who want to dive quietly.

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Groote Wielen

This lake is a nice and easy lake to dive. It is suitable for both beginners and more experienced divers. It slopes gently to a depth of 15 meters.

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Sportiom (Zwembad)

Sportiom is a huge swimming complex where you and your family can enjoy yourself for hours. In addition, there is a 25m pool with 6 lanes, suitable for diving.

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De Lithse Ham

In this almost completely closed inlet of the Meuse you can dive nicely. The spot has many objects to look at and also piles of clay ready to visit.

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Engelermeer Haverleij

It is one of the 3 diving sites in the Engelmeer, this site has beautiful peat walls and here and there you will find peat bogs which make it an interesting diving site.

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Tijningenplas Oost

The west side of the Tijningenplas has two different points where you can enter the water. In between you will find numerous objects and beautiful clay walls to dive along.

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Engelermeer Zuid

It is one of the spots in the Engelermeer, very suitable for groups and clubs. It is an easy to dive spot with something for everyone. Go and visit.

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Engelermeer Duikschool

This site is not open to the public. It is the private site of a local diving school. You can enter the water on foot and when you swim straight out you will find a platform at 5 meters. More to the right there are some objects.

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Geffense Plas

The Geffense Plas is an easy dive site and fun for divers of all levels. You can easily follow the wall but can also go to the tree stumps and dive to a maximum depth of 16 meters.

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The orchard lake is a small fresh water lake located at Camping in Den Boomgaard in Kapel Avezaath. You pay a small amount at the reception of the Camping to be able to dive with them.

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