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Dive sites nearby

El Gat

The most popular and best-known dive in the southern part of the Cap de Creus Natural Park. Located at the tip of Cap de Norfeu, this site is rich in both fixed fauna and fish.

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Punta de la Creu

Almost getting close to the star point of the cap norfeo, punta del mero is a wonderful place for calm dives at shallow depths where we can enjoy a lot of life thanks to its rocky formation full of crevices and recesses where marine life can protect itself.

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Clot del Boc

Located in the bay of Cala Joncols, this dive takes place along a drop-off from 5m to 20m and on a rocky bottom. Sometimes referred to as “La fall“, the dive culminates in a canyon some 40 metres long.

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Punta del Traire

Situated along the coast, this site offers several courses, depending on your level: A rocky and sandy bottom from 12 metres to 28 metres, with plenty of fish.

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La Reparada

Anchoring the boat takes you directly to a drop-off that starts at a depth of 27 metres.The first part of the dive follows the drop-off between 27 and 40 metres. Then it’s time to head back up to the 20-metre zone to find some large rocky scree.

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Bau de la Ferrera

The Bau de la Ferrera is a perfect place to dive without complications, since we can descend directly on the reef where only leaving the rocky formation to our right, we can go around the reef from 18 to 32 metres deep, apart from being able to find the remains of the Phedon.

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Bau de Cap Trencat

Situated 200m from the coast, this is one of the most beautiful dives in the Cala Montjoi area.With a depth ranging from 12m to 30m, the scenery alternates between sandy seabeds, coralligenous and rock.

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Bau de cap Falco

Dry land in the middle of a small bay, at a depth of between 5 and 30 metres. Wildlife around the dry. Rocky and sandy bottom accessible to all levels.At 21m, a gigantic anchor lies with a few links of its chain.

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Massa ďOr

This is one of the most splendid diving spots, with the most abundant underwater life in the area. Depths from 5m to 30m, ideally between 15m and 25m. All the fish of the Mediterranean are represented here, in the midst of a colourful environment.

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Forallons de Culip

A dive site near Cerbère renowned for its underwater rock formations and diverse marine life. Accessible to intermediate to advanced divers, this site offers depths generally varying between 10 and 30 meters.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.