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Dive sites nearby

Los Sombréros

Sombrero is located 9.5km from playa Potrero or 6 miles. Its name is given to it by its shape resembling Mexican hats. There are several launching points all around the islands. The north side is rapidly deeper. Possibility of adapting the depth to the profiles of the divers all around the Island.

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Cuatro piedras, Catalina Islands

The dive site is ideal for beginners as in between the rocks is a shallow sandy patch. Currents however can sometimes make it difficult to stay in the sand patch. Around the southern end are a lot of channels and it might be difficult to find your way around. Depths are anywhere between 7- 28 meters.

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Punta Catalina

Punta Catalinas is located on the south point of the Catalinas Islands. It’s the main site where Oceanic Manta Rays can be seen in the winter months. The site slopes down to about 30m/100ft if you swim out a bit.

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Pailas is located 20 minutes from Potrero Beach. We start the dive on the western part of the island and head south following the rock formations. The average depth is 14m, but can exceed 30m if you deviate a little.

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South Point shallow

The dive site is on the south east of the Catalina Islands. It’s generally a shallow dive site except at the end it’s possible to dive down to around 25 meters but it’s generally nicer to stay shallow.

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Catalinas Island, Clásico

11 km west of Potrero and Flamingo is the famous site of Clasico. This dive is done on the western side of the islands, from the south towards the north. There are successive ripraps. Several ways to dive possible, depending on certification level. From 10m to more than 30m.

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Catalinas Island, North

Catalinas Island, North is the perfect site for beginners, sheltered from the main currents. North is located 11km from Flamingo on the East coast of the island. The dive is from the middle of the Island to the North point.

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Las tetas

The dive site is about 2 km south south east of the famous Catalina Islands. It’s 1 bigger rock and 1 smaller rock and togehter they form a pinnacle. The northern rock extends underwater to the north at around 10 meters depth. Generally along the rocks it’s kind of wall diving and the max. depth is around 35m.

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Brumel deep

It’s a 20min boat ride from the Marina Flamingo. The dive site is ideal for beginners and also certified divers and is usually used when there are strong winds as it’s more protected than the main Catalina Islands. From the starting point you can either dive to the south or towards the north west.

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Roca Peligrosa, Danger Rock

About 3km south of the Catalina Islands you can find this pinnacle. It has shallow parts and also deeper parts. It’s not recommended for the first open water dive for basic divers but can be done as an extra dive is the diver is comfortable. Generally the dive goes around the rock sticking out of the water.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.