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Dive sites nearby

Shark Point, Gili Trawangan

An excellent site for viewing larger marine life on the north side of Gili Trawangan. A flat sandy bottom turns into a series of progressively deeper canyons that run parallel to the shore. The Glen Nusa shipwreck is located at the northern part of the site in 28m of water.

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Manta Point , Gili Trawagan

A gently sloping reef on the south side of Gili Trawangan with a good variety of hard and soft corals, interspersed with bommies and large table corals that shelter the fish.

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Located on the soutweastern corner of Gili Trawangan, this site features a rubbly slope between 5 and 16 meters, turning into sandy bottom at deeper depths.

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Bio Rocks

Bio Rocks are a project to help the re-growth of damaged reefs. They are man-made metallic structures which have healthy living corals attached to them, and the a small electric current put through them to speed up the procedure of making a new healthy reef.

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A gentle slope just off the east end of Gili Trawangan that gets its name from the huge rays that can be seen here. A good muck dive, this is a house reef and was the recent location of a Bio Rock project. A total of 8 artificial reefs were installed that have attracted a variety of marine life.

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Good Heart

On the eastern side of Gili Trawangan is Good Heart. From north to south, this site starts off as a gentle slope which gradually gets steeper until it ends as a wall.

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Coral Basket

Coral Basket is perfect for beginners and advanced divers. With a small wall full of life in the shallows and some beautiful coral ridges in the deeper parts of the divesite.

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Shallow Turbo

This site is a shallow plateau with a slope located to the northeast of Gili Trawangan. The dive site offers a wide array of marine life and coral and is famous for its big schools of fusiliers, red tooth triggerfish, and long jaw mackerel.

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Meno Slope

Located on the western shore of Gili Meno, Meno Slope offers a wide array of macro marine life and coral bombies. The sandy slope is a multi-level dive site with depths ranging from 5m to 30m.

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Bounty Wreck, Gili Tarawang

A 30m long sunken platform on the southwest side of Meno, this site is covered in hard and soft corals. The reef is a haven for many types of fish such as scorpion fish, stone fish, and juvenile batfish. Large schools of drummer fish are often seen here.

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