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Dive sites nearby

2 Mile Stringer

This site is like an oasis in the desert – 2 rocky outcroppings surrounded by sand. Game fish are regular visitors and is also known as a nursery area for juvenile fish. It is home to a variety of creatures . This dive site is only accessible by boat. The depth is between 10 and 13m and is situated beyond the backline. It is best dived in flat conditions, ensuring that the current is not too strong.

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This dive site is only accessible via boat. Rooneys is best dived by advanced divers who are qualified to dive nitrox so they can take full advantage of the spectacular sightings on this reef.

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Deep Sponge - 2 Mile Reef

An advanced dive site about 500m to the seaward side of Two Mile Reef. Deep Sponge is named for its huge vase-like sponges. The reef is rather flat sloping down towards the seaward side. At 27m is falls down to 30m with a slight wall on the seaward side.

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This dive site is only accessible by boat. The bikini dive site has an average depth of 18m and a maximum of 22m and is known as a photographer’s playground. This area of the reef always delivers a surprise of some sort such as nudibranchs, pipefish, paper fish, or some other beauty.

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Adventure Reef - 2 Mile Reef

Stretch of coral reef on the seaward side of 2 Mile Reef with sand on the eastern and western side. The maximum depth is +- 18m with an average depth of 16m. The site is dominated by small coral domes and two prominent shallow caves.

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Unicorn Reef 2 Mile Reef

18m maximum depth. This reef is a Flat Coral Reef with Coral Bommies and Trenches. These bommies are a preferred placed for Sea Goldies and other Rockcods (Groupers). Cleaning station occurs at most of the bommies. This site is only reach by boat and is situated on 2 Mile Reef, Sodwana Bay.

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Trenches - 2 Mile Reef

This section of reef is on the sea ward side of 2 mile reef and forms part of the sloping section toward the deeper part of 2 Mile Reef. The reef forms trench like structures where coral reef and sand channels alternate.

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2 Mile Reef Pinnacles

This dive site has an average depth of 10m and a maximum depth of 12m and is only accessible by boat. It is a nice shallow dive with an abundance of pinnacles to explore. The ‘Old Woman Pinnacle’ is a known feature, rising up to 6m.

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Mellow Yellow, Sodwana Bay

This dive site is nice for beginner divers, it is also only accessible by boat. This site is at the southern end of Bikini and is named Mellow Yellow due to the large number of large shoals of yellow fish found in the area.

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Four Buoy, Sodwana Bay

Although popular for students and beginner divers, this site’s ledges and swim-throughs offer something for everyone. The topography is varied with large sand gullies to investigate and shoals of sweepers can be found hiding under the rocky outcrops and small caves. This dive site is only accessible via boat. The average depth is 9m with a maximum depth of 12 m - perfect for all beginner divers.

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