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Dive sites nearby

Always Cool

A group of 10 coral heads, heavily covered w/soft & hard corals, sea fans & a few swim troughts. Starting in 5m/15’ & dropping off to approx. 21m/70’ it is best dived around the 18m/60’ & above & can be dived at any time.

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Amazing Maze

A series of coral heads or pinnacles starting in 5msw & dropping off to a sandy sea bottom in 21msw, the tops are covered with anemonies, several amazing swim-throughs heavily ahdorned with sort coral & sea fans. This site is best dived on an incoming tide & is suitable for most levels of experience,

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2-lovelly pinnacles with the larger one starting in 6msw & dropping off to 60msw joined to the smaller pinnacle at 27msw, smaller pinnacle starts in 18msw & bottoms out at 30msw. We can dive this site at anytine however incoming tide tends to bring better visibility + stronger current = more action & more colour.

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Dragon Tales

Several pinnacles close to the main reef starting in 5msw & dropping down to 24msw w/a few swim-throughs covered w/golden yellow soft coral, the top of the site is covered w/anemone & anemone fish & is best dived on an incoming tide.

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Swim Through Heaven

As the name says there are lots of swim thoughts, this is an exciting dive, for experienced & comfortable divers, best dived on an outgoing tide. The walls & tunnels have fragile sea fans, & are adorned with amazing yellow sort coral/ Please be careful & do not touch or grab, it is a fragile site.

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A few heavily decorated pinnacles very close together starting in 5msw & dropping down to a sandy bottom in 30msw, perfect for multi level diving & extending your NDL. This site is best dived on an incoming current, there are plenty of small/macro critters to keep you busy for hours as well as larger visitors.

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Golden Dream

This is part of a larger site combined w/Breath Taker and is at the point of the main reef with a series of coral heads/pinnacles starting in 3msw to 36msw w/some beautiful swim-throughs and undercuts can be dived on at anytime.

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Breath Taker

This is part of a larger site combined w/Golden Dream & is deeper end joined by a ridge running south to north. The highlight of the dive is at teh last pinnacle at 21msw (site range 3msw to 36msw) w/lots of action & marine life. Best dived on incoming current, the stronger the better so DSMB is advise for s/stop.

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This site has lots of swim-throughs shaped like arches and starts in 5m dropping down to 21m depth, best dived on an incoming tide and can be suitable to most levels of experience.

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A few heavily covered yellow soft coral pinnacles in deep water of the Nananu Passage starting in 6msw & dropping down to 30msw with a few swim-throughs & plenty of marine life both large & small. This site is best dived on the incoming tide.

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