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Dive sites nearby

Coral Key

Best dived on an incoming tide this is a wall dive with the top breaking the surface at low tide & dropping down to 24m on a sandy bottom. The walls are heavily decorated with a healthy mixture of hard & soft coral, sea fans & whip corals.

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Root Canal

Root Canal is a newly discoverd site so we are still learning about it however is a large pinnacle with the shallowest point being 23msw & undulating down to over 60msw. Lots of action on strong current, big schools of pelagics & plenty of sharks. Lots more still to discover & learn about this site.

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A beautiful pinnacle at the tip of the main reef starting in 2msw & droping off to 24msw heavily decorated with massive sea fans & golden yellow soft coral & abundent fishlife. Typically we would dive this site on an incoming tide.

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Annie’s Bommie

2 large pinnacles full of healthy hard & soft, joined to the main reef by a ridge which can be dived at any time. Starting 5m/15 & dropping off to 27m/90’ , best zone 18m/60’ & shallower.

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Beautiful pinnacle starting in 2msw & joining a ridge to the main reef dropping off to 30msw. the pinnacle is covered in golden yellow soft coral & masses of fish life & typically dived on the incoming tide.

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Zara’s Garden

Beautiful shallow reef starting in 1msw & dropping off to 18msw alive with healthy soft & hard corals, suitable for novice divers & anyone seeking colour & abundent macro marine life.

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Rix Garden

Nice wall dive suitable for most divers starting in 5msw with the ridge running from 12msw & bottoming out at 30msw in a north westerly direction from the point of the main reef. best dived on an incoming tide & can also be a nice snorkeling location.

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Neptune’s Rhapsody

Starting in 4msw & dropping off to 24msw this site is made up of several lovely pinnacles, the biggest one, where we normaly moore our boats, drops down to 18msw & has a large tunnel w/windows & big soft coral trees & sea fans. Most of the pinnacles are covered in yellow soft & whip coral, best dived incoming tide

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Patriot Reef

This site is from the point of the main reef & has a big swim-through adorned w/yellow soft coral walls & starts in 2msw bottoming out at 21msw onto a sandy bottom. It is best dived on an incoming tide & can also be an excellent snorkeling site with healthy corals & anemones on the top of the reef in the shallows

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Marrie’s Magic

Deep drop off wall starting in 4msw & descending down to 36msw which is best dived on an incoming tide. There are big soft coral trees growing on flat sandy bottom & walls covered in large sea fans & vibrant corals - excellent fish life, both large & small. Perfect for multi level extended dive times w/NITROX.

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