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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Bidone, Soverato

Bidone is an open water dive, dangerous for less experienced divers. Descent and ascent in open water with no possibility of anchoring, as the anchor gets caught in the large abandoned nets, which is also a danger for divers! Be careful!

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Marinella, Soverato

A very deep dive site where technical divers could dive along the sandy bottom and descend to a depth of over 100m from the shore. It’s an exciting descent, not for everyone!

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Ciccillo, Soverato

Diving on the famous Ciccillo Ciliata, this deep dive is for experienced divers and for sure not for everyone! Starts at 32m and a second later you are on 42m. Spare cylinder strongly recommended.

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Madonnina Soverato

Diving from shore or boat, the dive happens in the bay of the hippocampus and also to the statue of the famous madonna of the divers of the lido San Domenico.

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Really difficult dive for very, very experienced divers. The course starts at 42m but you can easily reach 54m. The beauty of the reef makes you lose track of the depth. You quickly get deeper than you would like. It is advisable to bring a personal spare tank with you for decompression stops.

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Monaco, Soverato

Rock of Monaco is a deep diving site. Favored by almost all divers who visit us because there are beautiful boulders with beautiful pelagic fish fauna to see.

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Glauco Beach, Soverato

Beautiful dive from an archaeological point of view, diving only with permission from the head of the archaeological heritage, the ancient Roman port and the ancient millstones.

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Marina Blu Centro Sub

The dive site is perfect for Deep Dive and Night & Limited Visibility courses, as well as all types of dives where material needs to be tested and checked, 150m from the shore begins a descent that reaches great depths good for the more experienced divers.

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Madonnina, Subamici

Diving from the shore, this is a dive that goes from the shore towards open water where you can meet the statue of Our Madonna at a depth of 7 m. For those who are very religious, a special dive with a prayer

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Torrazzo, Caminia

Dive on an overhanging cliff beautiful dive site for open water dives, max 12m. Dive along the rocks passage trough a canyon and ascent. Or go back down into the natural formations from 12m up to 0m.

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