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Dive sites nearby

Passe en S #10

At the foot of the anchorage is a blue anemone that a family of clown fish has chosen as their home. The sand here slopes gently down to 30 metres, where the fall begins.

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Passe en S #5B

This site is a beautiful valley of white sand with a few coral blocks here and there. The contrast between the rock and the bright white sand on good days is magnificent to observe.

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Passe en S #5

This site is a valley of white sand with a few coral blocks here and there. The contrast between the rock and the bright white sand on good days is magnificent to observe.

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Passe en S #3

Anchor a little far from the edge of the plank. The drop-off starts at 20 meters and ends at 55 meters. This dive joins buoy 4 nicknamed “Merou Palace.“

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Passe en S #12

The 12 is a gentle sand slope up to 25 meters. The top of the drop-off is 30 metres and descends to 55 metres. The wall is covered with white coral.

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Passe en S #9

Located in the southeastern part of the channel, the #9 is interesting to dive heading due west. The configuration of the site is the same as all the pass entrance buoys. It has a staircase drop-off with steps at 25 and 40 meters.

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Passe en S #6

The 100-foot drop-off is far enough away from the buoy. To reach it, you have to cross a sand valley and small canyons on which coral heads and other isolated rocks are placed.

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Passe en S #2

The drop-off is close to the anchorage. The top is at 30 meters and goes down to 60 meters. There are large, sandy areas with isolated reef blocks.

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Passe en S #7

#7 is 15 meters deep. You arrive very quickly at the drop-off, which goes down to 55 meters. A nice dive on a clear day.

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Passe en S #1B

The site starts at 4-5 meters on the flat, then a dive down to 20 meters to meet a lot of life at this site. A beautiful coral infrastructure emerges from the drop-off.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.