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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Vale Giri

Mid sized Giri with lots of beautiful soft corals on the south and east side. Various sandy areas with blocks and nice table corals. Ideal place for snorkelers too.

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Appa Thila

Appa Thila is a large reef on the inside of the atoll. West side of the reef is a beautiful terrace with lots of soft corals. In 60 minutes it is possible to swim around half of the site. Small overhangs can be seen on the east side. A great dive site for photographers.

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Dhon Mas Giri

Dongmas Giri is a small round reef in the middle of the atoll. A drop off from 1-12 meters on the south side is where there are small bomies covered with compact coral that shelter loads of glass fish. The west side has some beautiful overhangs. Diving with a torch is highly recommended.

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jumako thila

Long inside reef with different coral blocks and sandy areas. Many table corals and hard coral formations with a depth varying between 2 to 24 meters.

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Rannalhi Jetty

Rannalhi Jetty lies on the Northern Tip of Rannalhi Island - easiest entry point would be from the beach itself. The underwater topography offers a maximum depth of 25 meters, the reef structure creates various reef potholes with a sandy bottom, surrounded by coral blocks and several smaller Giris to dive around.

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Rannalhi House Reef

This is a very good dive site for all kinds of divers, starting with a gentle slope in the sandy bottom and then moving on to the reef which is quite widespread, with a maximum depth of 17 meters. Since its also a nursery for juveniles, some trevallys coming in to feed.

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Admiral 3

Admiral 3 is on the North side of Rannalhi on the outside reef in the channel. It is a wall that starts at 7 meters, and the drop-off continues down to 28 meters. There is a good chance to see big fish in the channel entry.

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Protected bay area with beautiful reef, white sandy patches and coral structures for every level. From beginners to advanced divers, perfect for an easy enjoyable dive.

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Rannalhi Caves

Drop off located at the corner and at the outside reef with a lot of small and very big overhangs form 5 meters to 20 meters. Whip corals inside the channel and many anemones.

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Anna's Giri

Small round reef with a deeper thila attached to the north west side of the giri. The deeper thila has some big black corals with longnose hawkfish and a big scool of five line snappers. The west side offers a nice dropping slope with nice small overhangs. Torch recommended.

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