This data is provided from the logbook information in the MySSI app Affiliated Training Center Dive sites nearby © Deep Blue Diving, 22203 RogoznicaKalebinjakSite got its name from project Biology university made when writing the habitat. Current is almost always present and as usual the more current more life you will see. This place is best fun when you go anticlockwise around entire island on depth around 10 to 17m. Fun diveLearn more © Mares, Janez KranjcSmokvica vela -WallThe location near the island of Smokvica Vela is a wall that starts at a depth of about 15 meters and falls to a depth of 60-65 meters. The upper part of the large plateau is suitable for beginners, while the wall is reserved for advanced categories. The problem is the currents can sometimes be quite strong.Learn more © AqualungSmokvica vela - WallAlains cliff is one of most famous dive sights in Croatia.It is a huge Drop Off from 8 to 96 m depth. It is full of Gorgonia fan corals and interesting life. Here you will be able also to dive in small canyon and see beautiful contrasts of color. Wizz is 30 m on a bad day so enjoyLearn more © Diving Center Pongo, 22202 PrimostenAlains CliffThis is one of best Drop-off dives in Adriatic. On top there is a plato 3 to 8 m and than it drops down to 90m. There is a canyon full of red Gorgonia coral and schools of fish. It is best for AOWD but can be done by OWD in perfect conditions. Pongo Divers take you on specific dive over the cliff and to shallow.Learn more © MaresAirplaneThe wreckage of a military jet fighter plane that was shot down. The parts are scattered in an area of 50x50 m and at a maximum depth of 19m, so the location is suitable for beginners.Learn more © AqualungBlue LagoonClosed bay suitable for Discovery diving and training. The sandy seabed is gradually falling which makes diving safe and enjoyable for beginners.Learn more © Deep Blue Diving, 22203 RogoznicaMulo lighthouseThe location next to the lighthouse “Mulo“ offers something for everyone. Gorgonia fans can be found at depths reserved for advanced categories while in the shallower parts it abounds in life.Learn more © Mares, Predrag VuckovicDeep Blue Diving training spotTraining site Deep Blue Diving DC. Beach with sand bottom, suitable for courses, training and exercise, max depth 5m. Location is only 100m away from DC.Learn more © Diving Center Pongo, 22202 PrimostenPunta PlankaAt this location you can expect everything from calm seas without wind to strong sea currents that can be of different directions at different depths. An interesting location for diving, but also in terms of history.Learn more © Diving Center Pongo, 22202 PrimostenSS Zagreb WreckThis location is only for advanced trimix divers due to the depth at which the wreck is located. The shallowest part is at approximately 64m and the deepest 70m.Learn more The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.