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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Shinaria Beach

Schinaria beach is located 33km south of Rethymnon, in the wider area of Plakias. The bed of the sea in this area is home to a wide variety of marine species and colorful varied flora.Deep wall diving, underwater caves, big groupers and sea turtles make Schinaria one of divers’ favorite paradises.

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Kalypso Bay

Kalypso Beach is a unique bay with clear crystal water. Perfect for snorkeling, catching sun or DIVING. Our asset is the very diversified landscapes on such a small area, normally excellent visibility (though it’s seams to be changing the latest years). Tip: search internet images with “Crete Kalyspo Divers“

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Kali Limenes

That an depth of 11 meters there is a boat shaft covering an area of one acre. The shipwreck hosts tropical marine life such as lionfishis diving point is 13 miles from the base of Mare Sud and is accessible by boat and by car. It is a sandy beach with a maximum depth of 12 meters. At 150 meters off the coast and

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Byron I Shipwreck

The ship wreck is lying at the depth of 12-16 m. and suitable for all levels of divers. BYRON I was a cargo ship carrying 11.000 tons of sugar. The bad weather in the area caused the wreck of the cargo ship on January of 1985, which turned the salty sea water temporarily into “sweet“ water.

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Ideal underwater area for scuba training and Try Scuba for novice. Ideal also for Snorkeling. Shallow waters. Sandy bottom with some beautiful rocks.

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Elephants Cave

Elephant cave is one of the most impressive and easy dives you can have in Greece! A dive into a half submerged cave with amazing stalactites and stalagmites, but also the remains of elephant over 70.000 years old max depth 10m.

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The reef around the peninsula forms different levels of depth, starting at 6m and going to the deepest point (northwest side), which reaches 30m. depth.Meet a marvelous tunnel, the entrance starts at 14m. and the exit of it at 8m depth. Perfect for both beginners and certified divers.

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Mononaftis, Kreta

This is an ideal place for shore dives and is a confirmed diving park. Many ancient amphoras from Minoan civilization are seen here. You can hit several depths from a few meters to 40 meters deep. An ideal site for a try scuba and advanced level divers. It has a rocky bottom with Posidonia meadows and sand.

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Big Anchor

Big Anchor is a 400 year old anchor laying at 32m depth in the reef of Mononaftis. Around the reef there are plenty of other older anchors and newer ones as well, showing us that this place used to be a very popular natural port.

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Messerschmitt BF -109

Very close to the coast with easy access is this beautiful Messerschmitt Bf 109 from the 2nd world war (operation Jupiter) at a maximum depth of 40 meters.

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