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Dive sites nearby


8 minutes away from the resort this is site is a deep wall drop off dive, with some swim throughs and also a big arch way swim through making it look like a highway.

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8 minutes away from the resort this dive site steps down as you dive it deeper reason being its called steps as it steps up and down looking like some steps.

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This dive spot is 6 minutes away. This spot has swim throughs shear wall drop offs, this is a shallow dive as it ranges from 12-15 meters but also drops off to 30-40 meters.

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Balolo Reef

5 minute boat ride away. Submerged reef. Depth range 12-25m. Wall drop-offs, coral garden. Site is perfect for all diver levels, from beginner to advanced.

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Three Kings

This is where 3 dive sites merge in one spot. ’Coral Awegasm’ to ’The Pass’ to ’Garden of Eden’. Great spot for getting the best of everything in terms of topography. From garden, to wall, to caverns and archways. Great for macro.

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Coral Awegasm

8 minute boat ride away. Fringing reef. Situated amongst 9 other dive sites, Coral Awegasm is great for beginner divers to advanced. Filled with coral garden, sheer walls and caverns.

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Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden has a large reef top, with different crevices and cracks that extend to either the sloping or steep drop off, with multiple little swim throughs along the way. The reef wall has a slight current that runs along it, but pockets to tuck into as the wall bends, extending down to a sandy bottom.

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Caves of Babylon

A system of large swim throughs, all linking into one central ’cave’. The walls extend up around 20 meters, to reef wall cracks allowing the sunlight to peep inside. Smaller swim throughs branch away from the large path, allowing a variety of options to explore the surrounding reef.

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Fantastic Wall

Perfectly named, this wall dive is teeming with lots of soft coral. This site has the highest chance of spotting turtles in our area. It is very diverse with many bends and highs and lows. The highlight is the wall itself.

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Glory Wreck

Glory Wreck is a 43 meter, Chinese long liner, sunk on purpose, that sits above the sandy bottom slowly becoming an artificial reef. Multiple rooms can be entered, including the captain’s wheel house. Other rooms can be observed through torch light, looking at the old boat system.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.