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Dive sites nearby

Kaş Competetive freediving Point

t is located off Kaş Camping, which offers a 5-minute cruise to Kaş harbour. A suitable distribution for freediving competitions in the Kaş region. The region provides excellent freediving performance due to underwater visibility and the absence of underwater currents.

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Kas ist eine wunderschöne Küstenstadt der Türkei, die direkt am Mittelmeer liegt. Entlang dieser Küstenstadt gibt es viele fantastische Tauchplätze mit kristallklarem Wasser und blühendem Meeresleben.

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A replica of the oldest known and very rich wreck excavated between 1984 and 1994 at cape Uluburun is sunk here to become home to grouper species, and other fish.

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Hidayet Koyu

This bay is very beautiful underwater and above, and also well sheltered. Sea-grass meadows in the bay are full of life, day and night. East from the small cape, bare rocks slope down gradually to 32m, with lots of life; moray eels and bigger fish at depth.

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Being the closest in distance to Kaş makes Fener a very popular dive site. It is a very diverse site. If you head east underwater you will find the “Ottoman wreck” to explore. It has a worn wooden spine and mails at 23 meters with a large water jug.

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C-47 Dakota (Wreck)

After being scrapped, the C-47 DAKOTA aircraft (wingspan 29m, length 20m), was turned into an artificial reef to a depth of 22 meters. Novice divers can even enter the cargo bay.

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Güvercin Ada / Tank Wreck

The pigeons are not here anymore but the shallow depths are teeming with life, rabbitfish, and breams galore. A white marble shark sculpture reminisces of recent underwater art exhibitions and gives a startle to first-time divers! This is an ideal, very calm site for snorkelers and those starting diving training.

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Kaş Neptün

Underwater gardens of Neptune; a rich and shallow reef rising to 8m under tough waves just off cape “Çondur”. There is definitely an antique wreck site here, lots of amphorae are scattered around up from 20 metres and all along the coastal side of the reef.

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Heybeli Ada

You may dive at the deeper “outward” (east) or the “inward” (southwest) side of these 2 islands separated by a very shallow passage. The southern reef, with its rocks elevating to 5m and its eastern sandy slopes, has diverse sea-grass meadows, rocky slopes around the islands, and small shallow reefs to the east.

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This site is best suited for experienced divers as strong currents are normal. You will have to make your safety stop on the anchor rope. The top of the reef sits at 14 meters and there are two bumps like camel’s humps to explore, hence this site’s name.

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The dive spots and related content on MyDiveGuide are provided for informational and promotional purposes only. This information, including user-generated content, is not definitive advice or recommendations. Divers are fully responsible for planning their dives, ensuring adequate safety equipment, verifying diving permissions, and complying with local laws and regulations. SSI, MyDiveGuide, and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for divers' actions, choices, or any incidents. Always dive within your training limits, prioritize safety, and confirm that diving is permitted at your chosen location.