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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Shallow Turbo

This site is a shallow plateau with a slope located to the northeast of Gili Trawangan. The dive site offers a wide array of marine life and coral and is famous for its big schools of fusiliers, red tooth triggerfish, and long jaw mackerel.

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Coral Basket

Coral Basket is perfect for beginners and advanced divers. With a small wall full of life in the shallows and some beautiful coral ridges in the deeper parts of the divesite.

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Meno Wall

Just off the west side of Gili Meno, and home to a plethora of crustaceans, Meno Wall is a great spot for night diving. The wall runs from 5m down to 16m and a second wall runs a little deeper.

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Turtle Heaven Gili

5 minutes by boat from Gili trawangan at Gili Meno. The luxuriance of the marine life made this dive site ideal for beginner or expert diver.

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Magic Reef

Magic Reef can be found where the current comes in on the northern side of Gili Meno. This is a great dive site for those looking to drift along the reef. The site is best suited for beginner level divers.

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Good Heart

On the eastern side of Gili Trawangan is Good Heart. From north to south, this site starts off as a gentle slope which gradually gets steeper until it ends as a wall.

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Meno Slope

Located on the western shore of Gili Meno, Meno Slope offers a wide array of macro marine life and coral bombies. The sandy slope is a multi-level dive site with depths ranging from 5m to 30m.

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Eagle corner

5 minutes by boat from Gili Trawangan north east of Gili meno .The name of the dive site come from an underwater statue representing an eagle

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Simon’s Reef

A great deep dive that offers a variety of corals not seen at the other dive sites. At 30m, this site has a sandy bottom between large sea mounds. These sea mounds range in size and have an interesting variety of overhangs and outcrops.

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Turtle Heaven

The pinnacle off of the north-eastern side of Gili Meno is home for many of the sea turtles around the Gili islands. This site is a slope that leads out to a pinnacle stretching from 9m to 30m with corals covering all the sides.

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