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Cozumel’s Caribbean waters boast next-level visibility and vibrant blue hues, certainly in part due to the ...
Scuba DivingTravel
Nestled in the pristine rivers of Kyoto is a creature that has fascinated biologists, conservationists, and...
Sipadan Island, located off the east coast of Malaysian Borneo, is a world-renowned diving destination know...
With its rugged coastline and rich marine heritage, Scotland offers a unique and adventurous scuba diving e...
South America is home to some of the most breathtaking diving locations in the world. From the Pacific coas...
Liveaboard diving offers the opportunity to explore the most remote and untouched reefs around the globe. U...
Portugal, with its extensive coastline along the Atlantic Ocean, offers some of the best div...
Europe boasts some stunning dive sites, offering everything from dramatic underwater caves to vibrant coral...
Greece is a land of ancient myths and breathtaking landscapes, but it is also home to a fantastic underwate...
Europe is one of the world’s most popular travel destinations, famous for its food, culture, architecture, ...
As divers, we want to protect the oceans we love but it can feel overwhelming when we are surrounded by neg...
SSI NewsTravel
Nestled in the heart of the Coral Triangle, the Philippines boasts some of the most breathtaking ...
Are you thinking about planning the dive trip of a lifetime? With so many incredible dive spots scattered a...
When you think of scuba diving destinations, Ireland may not be the first place that comes to mind. However...
The Indonesian paradise of Bali is not just renowned for its lush landscapes, vibrant culture, an...
The Kingdom of Tonga is one of the most picturesque countries in the Pacific Islands and boasts palm-f...
Italy is world-renowned for its romantic atmosphere, rich history, and stunning landscapes… not to mention ...
Puerto Rico sits within the Caribbean and has over 143 islands, keys and atolls. This gorgeous archipelago ...
The Bahamas is famous for its crystal-clear shallow waters and pristine white sand beaches and is a haven f...
Cambodia’s scuba diving scene was once considered the best in the world. Divers could encounter unique spec...
Australia is globally renowned for having some of the best and most diverse diving anywhere on the planet. ...
The MV X-Press Pearl spilled nearly 75 billion plastic pellets into the ocean; but all hope is not lost. In...
Scuba DivingSSI NewsTravel
Are you trying to decide when to take your diving vacation this year? There are countless incredible dive s...
Moalboal hosts one of the world’s most accessible and impressive sardine bait balls. In Edges of Earth’s la...
Venturing into the open ocean to dive with apex predators can be an intimidating prospect. To many, the ide...
The small Red Sea town of Dahab is Egypt’s best-kept secret. Much quieter than the built-up dive hubs of Sh...
Scuba DivingFreedivingTravel
Have you ever been curious to peer more closely under a rock, look deeper within a hollowed-out tree branch...
From some of the best food we have ever had in our lives, to riding the escalators through the famed Mid-Le...
Scuba divers and freedivers are drawn to the world’s oceans but there is so much to be explored inland. Thr...
scuba divingTravel
If Spanish is your native tongue, then the world has some excellent options when it comes to learning to sc...