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Affiliated Training Center

Dive sites nearby

Bool Reef

Nice coral and sea grass reef and a good spot for night diving. This site is for beginners and a good training location for open water students and advanced.

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10-15 minutes off from the port of Malapascua to the back of the island in the north east side, with its flat sandy, grassy bottom it is perfect for the open water divers practicing their buoyancy and expert divers looking for extremely small macro critters.

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Secret Wall

This is an advanced dive site that goes down to 28M. This wall dive has an average depth of 12M to 14M. This is a good dive muck divers and macro photography.

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Japanese Shipwreck

Ideal Open Water Training Dive number one site, whereby your very first dive is also a wreck dive! Five to 12 meters depth range on a sandy bottom.

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Lighthouse Reef

A favorite night dive site in Malapascua found on the northern part of the island. The dive usually starts at dusk to enable divers to watch the Mandarin fish.

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Lapus Shallow

The shallow part of the famous Lapus-lapus islet off the coast, of the tip of the north of malapascua island. It has the shallowest depth at 4-5m crawling down to the deeper side to 18-20m it is perfect for beginner and advanced divers looking to observe the marine life interaction in the reef.

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Pasil Reef

Pasil Reef is a nice sandy area suitable for muck diving. Also it is great site for night diving. Max depth is around 16M. The average depth is 5-8M.

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Mangrove is a great dive site for open water training with an average depth of 8-10m and a maximum depth of 14m. There is a nice sandy area and a patch reef.

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Lapus I

Lapus Shallow Dive site is an ideal dive training site. It is a sandy slope with some rock formations. Most of the time there is a light current except for slack hight tide.

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A beautiful house reef dive full of fish.

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