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Keresse meg a központ keresőjét az Ön területén vagy bárhol a világon, ahová szeretne utazni, és találja meg az Ön által kiválasztott partnert. Nézd meg, hogy mely búvárhelyeket üzemeltetik, nézd meg a közelgő képzési menetrendjüket, utazási és társadalmi eseményeiket, és még sok minden mást.
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Létrehoztunk egy egyedülálló és átfogó adatbázist, amely összekapcsolja a búvárhelyeket és a lehetséges vadon élő állatokkal való találkozást az SSI Oktatási Központokkal világszerte. Nézd meg és tervezd meg a következő búvárkalandodat virtuálisan!
Számos búvárszakmai szint vár rád. Fedezd fel a lehetőségeidet, miközben megtapasztalhatod az új életstílust és a világméretű karrierlehetőségeket világszerte!
Hozzon létre egy felhasználói profilt, és azonnal hozzáférhet az SSI ingyenes próbaprogramjaihoz, használhatja a digitális naplót, amely több ezer merülőhelyet tartalmaz világszerte, és még sok minden mást.
Diving into the unknown depths of the underwater world is an exhilarating experience that leaves many peopl...
XRExtended RangeTechnical Diving
Do you shiver while diving in certain coldwater spots? …It might be time to invest in a drysuit! Providing ...
Extended RangeTechnical Divingdry suit
Check out how you can win over $25,000 in auction itemsStarts October 13, 2022SSI®&Aggressor Adventures...
SSI News
VDI has introduced the world to the most advanced diving simulator/game App. This is as close to diving as ...
Scuba DivingSSI News
Summer is in full swing, and we want to make sure your scuba gear is ready for every underwater adventure t...
Scuba Divingdivingequipmentscuba geardiving equipmentdive gear
Closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) diving in Jordan became officially legal in 2022.SSI has celebrated this mi...
scuba divingSSI NewsMyDiveGuideJordanaquaba
As the northern hemisphere heads into spring and more countries open up to tourists, March’s best div...
Scuba Divingscuba divingMyDiveGuideTravelDive Trip
The holidays are almost here, and you have a scuba diver in your life. But what doyou get them? Your search...
Scuba DivingSSI NewsEnvironmenteco diverscuba gear essentialsgifts for scuba diversfreediving gifts
Discover the silence and freedom of rebreather diving without committing to a long course. Join SSI's new a...
Technical DivingXR programsXR divingSCR Divingsemi closed rebreatherrebreather divingTry SCR
Being a part of the SSI family as either an SSI Training Center or Professional gives you unparalleled acce...
Scuba DivingtrainingSSI Newstraining centerprofessionalsssi professionalswhy choose SSISSI crossoverdive professionals
So, you are thinking about getting your first drysuit so you can dive all year round? There are some simple...
Scuba DivingSSI Newsscuba geardrysuitdrysuit diving
From exploring icy Arctic waters to cruising paradise islands few tourists know about, there are some incre...
dive destinationsPacificVanuatuEaster IslandorcasXRExtended Rangeice divingantarcticaNorwaydive travelTravelRussiaAfricaMyanmarChile
Scuba diving is a dynamic activity that requires divers to constantly react to changes in their environment...
XRExtended RangeskillsTechnical Divingdecompression divingTTStime-to-surface
Diving hand signals are vital for diver safety and enjoyment during every dive. They are the best way to ge...
XRExtended Rangeskillsdive trainingTechnical DivingXR divinghand signalscommunication underwater
Holiday time has finally arrived, and you have a week of XR diving or a place on a technical liveaboard boo...
XRExtended RangeTechnical Divingdive travelscuba gearscuba gear essentialstravel essentials
The decades of expertise behind Mares and rEvo rebreathers have combined to create a unique semi-closed reb...
XRTechnical DivingSCRSCR Divingsemi closed rebreather
SSI launches a new Decompression Diving Specialty for recreational divers to get a taste of what decompress...
Scuba DivingExtended Rangescuba divingTechnical Divingdecompression divingrecreational divingnew programssi program
In this blog, we look at the components of stage bottle rigging and how to set up a stage bottle for open c...
XRExtended RangeTechnical DivingXR divingEquipment Techniquesstage cylinderriggingdecompression divingdiving equipment
SSI, the world’s largest professional dive business-based training agency, has launched an exciting new div...
divingMermaidMermaidingSSI Newsdive travelswimmingLifeguardSSI podcastpodcastdive around the worlddive podcast
The equipment you choose has a significant impact on your performance and comfort when you go decompression...
XRExtended RangeTechnical DivingbackplatejacketBCWing Designdecompression divingscuba geardiving equipmentbuoyancy compensator
I am not a detective and I do not want to suggest what has been the cause of historical and recent Extended...
Scuba DivingstresstrainingExtended Rangeskillsdive trainingTechnical Divingpanic attackdive panic
The Red Sea is a classic dive destination with warm waters and vibrant reefs that attract divers from aroun...
red seaExtended RangeBlue HoleTechnical DivingTop 10 Dive SitesElphinestoneYolanda PlateauThomas CanyonwrecksRosalie Muller
SSI has long had a Recreational Sidemount Diving specialty program available, but it is only in recent year...
trainingXRExtended Rangedive trainingTechnical DivingExtended Range SidemountXR programsSidemount
Curious about rebreather diving but unsure know where to start? Dive into the world of rebreathers with thi...
Extended RangeTechnical DivingXR programsSCRSCR DivingSemiclosed Rebreatherrebreather diving
Assembly Guide Mares Backplate Divers’ who have purchased their twinset total diving system which includes...
XRTechnical Divingbackplatetwinset
The SSI Extended Range Foundations program offers divers a unique opportunity to hone their dive skills dur...
XRExtended RangeTechnical DivingXR programsXR divingExtended Range Foundations
SSI XR training programs offer an exciting pathway for all divers to extend their range of skills and knowl...
XRCCRExtended Rangedive trainingTechnical DivingSCRXR divingdecompression diving
The gas switch is one of the most hazardous parts of any extended range dive. It is a procedure conducted w...
XRSSIExtended RangeTechnical Divinggas switch
With approximately 17,820 kilometers of coastline, the UK has countless opportunities for sea diving and ho...
Scuba DivingdivingSSIdive trainingsea survivalUK divingIrelandTechnical DivingSSI NewsUKdiving tips
SSI is very happy to announce that they have now added the JJ CCR closed-circuit rebreather to the list of ...
CCRExtended RangerebreatherTechnical DivingJJ