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Prozkoumejte tisíce ověřených potápěčských lokalit po celém světě: zjistěte, s jakými živočichy se můžete na každé lokalitě setkat, jaké jsou tam podmínky pro potápění a s kterým výcvikovým centrem se tam dostanete.
Podívejte se na nové profesionální příležitosti a najděte si své místo v globální síti SSI prostřednictvím databáze pracovních příležitostí - neustále rosteme a máme pro vás spoustu profesionálních příležitostí!
Vytvořili jsme jedinečnou a komplexní databázi, která spojuje potápěčské lokality a jejich potenciální setkání s volně žijícími živočichy s výcvikovými centry SSI po celém světě. Podívejte se na to a naplánujte si další potápěčské dobrodružství prakticky!
Čeká na vás mnoho profesionálních úrovní potápění. Prozkoumejte své možnosti a zároveň objevte nový životní styl a pracovní příležitosti po celém světě!
Vytvořte si uživatelský profil a získáte okamžitý přístup k bezplatným zkušebním programům SSI, budete moct používat digitální logbook s tisíci potápěčskými lokalitami po celém světě a mnoho dalšího.
For freedivers, having strong lungs can significantly affect their ability to stay underwater longer, manag...
Freediving is a unique sport that combines the joy of exploring underwater with the peace of breath-hold di...
Shore diving gives you the ultimate freedom to explore. You can go diving when you want, how you want, and ...
Scuba Diving
Mermaiding is more popular than ever, with many people taking up this enchanting underwater activity. But i...
Freediving in a pool offers a controlled environment where you can master your breath-hold techniques and b...
If you want a great diving buddy, you first need to become one yourself. But what goes into making a great ...
As the underwater world faces increasing threats from climate change, overfishing, and pollution, the role ...
Scuba DivingEnvironment
Cold-water freediving is a great way to challenge yourself, discover new underwater worlds, and sharpen you...
Many of us want to try dive photography, whether it is to share our dives with our friends at the surface o...
Freediving is witnessing a surge in popularity, with more people exploring it as a new hobby. This not only...
The weather affects your safety in the water in various ways. You cannot control it, but you can get prepar...
Not all dives are created equal, and certainly, they are not all for everyone. Before you dive into this st...
Not all of us are natural-born scuba divers or people of the ocean. Some of us struggle mentally with the i...
Top Scuba Jokes and Puns To Make Your Dive Buddy Laugh1.Why did the scuba diver cross the road? To get...
Can you remember back to your first dive? If you did your confined water in a pool, you may have felt stabl...
Scuba diving in poor visibility can be challenging but also uniquely rewarding. Murky waters, strong curren...
Freediving is not just a sport; it is an experience that changes with the seasons, offering you a unique pe...
Want to start learning to freedive but the idea of being deep underwater is just too frightening? It is a c...
As we celebrate Father’s Day 2024, we want to acknowledge all the amazing fathers and father figures who ha...
Scuba DivingFamily
Some dive days are almost guaranteed to be awesome; the ones at local dive sites that we know and love...
Many people who have never tried freediving think it is a dangerous activity. But statistically, freediving...
Nestled in the heart of the Coral Triangle, the Philippines boasts some of the most breathtaking ...
Scuba DivingTravel
In the world of freediving, being mentally prepared helps to improve your performance and manage the stress...
There is a debate among the water-loving community about which sport is more appealing: freediving or ...
FreedivingSSI News
If you are on your way to becoming an Advanced Open Water diver, you might want to start thinking abou...
When you begin your journey as a recreational scuba diver, you are likely to hear some words and phrases yo...
Is there a special birthday or anniversary coming up for a diver in your life? Or would you just like to tr...
It can be hard to find an activity that you and your teenagers can enjoy together, it can also sometimes be...
Are you a freediver thinking of buying your very own set of fins? There are a few styles on the market, and...
Being short on cash does not necessarily mean that your diving has to be put on hold. Sure, all-inclusive l...