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Podívejte se na nové profesionální příležitosti a najděte si své místo v globální síti SSI prostřednictvím databáze pracovních příležitostí - neustále rosteme a máme pro vás spoustu profesionálních příležitostí!
Vytvořili jsme jedinečnou a komplexní databázi, která spojuje potápěčské lokality a jejich potenciální setkání s volně žijícími živočichy s výcvikovými centry SSI po celém světě. Podívejte se na to a naplánujte si další potápěčské dobrodružství prakticky!
Čeká na vás mnoho profesionálních úrovní potápění. Prozkoumejte své možnosti a zároveň objevte nový životní styl a pracovní příležitosti po celém světě!
Vytvořte si uživatelský profil a získáte okamžitý přístup k bezplatným zkušebním programům SSI, budete moct používat digitální logbook s tisíci potápěčskými lokalitami po celém světě a mnoho dalšího.
The Similan Islands, part of Thailand’s Andaman Sea, offer some of the best diving experiences in Southeast...
Scuba DivingTravel
As the underwater world faces increasing threats from climate change, overfishing, and pollution, the role ...
Scuba DivingEnvironment
We all have our favorite dive sites, but what makes a dive site bucket list worthy? It could be exceptional...
Many of us want to try dive photography, whether it is to share our dives with our friends at the surface o...
Scuba Diving
Boat diving offers a completely different experience to shore diving, allowing you access to more remote (a...
Freediving is witnessing a surge in popularity, with more people exploring it as a new hobby. This not only...
Not all dives are created equal, and certainly, they are not all for everyone. Before you dive into this st...
Not all of us are natural-born scuba divers or people of the ocean. Some of us struggle mentally with the i...
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the SSI Global Ambassador Program, featuring nine extraordinary i...
Scuba DivingFreedivingTechnical DivingSSI News
Sri Lanka, often referred to as the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean", is a fantastic destination for scuba diver...
Besides the main diving and snorkeling equipment (wetsuit, fins, mask, etc.), there are some smaller, less ...
Extended Range
With its rugged coastline and rich marine heritage, Scotland offers a unique and adventurous scuba diving e...
There are over 3000 species of jellyfish in the waters of our beautiful, blue planet, and new species ...
Written by Elizabeth Langenberg.Often diving insurance is forgotten about when booking a dive trip or vacat...
Scuba DivingFreedivingTechnical Diving
Every year on June 8th, we celebrate World Ocean Day; A day dedicated to appreciating the many gifts that o...
When you think of scuba diving destinations, Ireland may not be the first place that comes to mind. However...
The Kingdom of Tonga is one of the most picturesque countries in the Pacific Islands and boasts palm-f...
Celebrated annually on April 22nd, Earth Day 2024 brings conservationists together to think up new ways to ...
Is there a special birthday or anniversary coming up for a diver in your life? Or would you just like to tr...
Cambodia’s scuba diving scene was once considered the best in the world. Divers could encounter unique spec...
Scuba divers and freedivers are drawn to the world’s oceans but there is so much to be explored inland. Thr...
scuba divingTravel
If Spanish is your native tongue, then the world has some excellent options when it comes to learning to sc...
The New Year is here! Start 2024 right by ticking some of the world’s top dive spots off your diving bucket...
Our oceans and seas are suffering. Plastic pollution is a huge problem, climate change is causing sea level...
The amount of plastic in our oceans is concerning, and the problem is not going away on its own. As divers ...
Vanuatu is made up of 83 islands in total and is found in the South Pacific Ocean. Famous in the divin...
British freediver David Mellor has achieved more in his sixtieth year than most do in a lifetime. This year...
Freediving has been appearing on our screens more and more recently with documentaries such as My Octopus T...
Traveling for a diving holiday has to be one the most eagerly anticipated activities for all water enthusia...
Shore diving is the most accessible type of diving, you can simply put your gear on, waddle to shoreline, a...